3 reviews liked by riffing

it's fun but it's difficultly scaling is insane
I had to look up specific tactics for a boss at one point
The offering system is also insanely annoying at later levels
But the gameplay loop of catching denpa men is fun
it got me to walk around the block
hunting for denpa men is probably the best part of the game
The ost is great

Metal Gear offers the barebones gameplay structure that would be continuously improved upon over the series. Surprisingly light on narrative content considering the franchise it spawned, it's very clear that Kojima was still coming into his own as a creator. Still, a very fun, if dated experience.

The first Metal Gear i played was the fifth one, just because of the engine and how everything managed to work and look so good, but what i really fell in love, was the size of it. Everywhere i looked there was some crazy shit going down, so i got around to play the solid 1 (one of the best videogames i have ever played), then solid 2 (the best video game i ever played?) but due to performance issues on the ps2 emulator, i never finished the third one. Now, I'm going back to the very first one and the idea is to play them all in order. But to summarize my experience with this first one, everything i always found so amusing on metal gear solid 1, they were all already here.