all the enemies in this game are really fast and your little ship thing has the speed of a turtle its really frustrating

what does it matter for your game to have nice controls if the level design is gonna be garbage

could have been a 10/10 if the movement didnt suck. the danny b soundtrack is amazing, theres a cute disgaea easter egg, the game is really broken and its a lot of fun seeing how far can u go traveling thru time with the inventory quit bug.

it really is the sims 3 on the 3ds

what was capcom thinking when designing this game and composing the music for it lol at least having zero's sword was cool

i like that it maintains cool gameplay bits from the first one but the levels are just much worse and they give u way too much ammo like if this was a call of duty game lol

probably the better racing game on the 3ds that isnt mario kart from 2011, it has a sort of endearing story mode that i couldnt rly bring myself to finish.

very interesting collection of rythm games that are still worth trying today. too hard for me tho.

i dont understand why your main guy moves like hes got butter spread all over his boots

the demons souls of sniper games indeed

very impressive technincal achievement but its still a shitty game

filler souls. i got the age of stars ending and im working my way thru the other endings. i have 207 hours logged on steam thru 2 characters, my main one having 172. ill write more when i get to finish the rest.

really lazy Hades knock-off should be a genre of games at this point

i have played nukige with better writing than this game