25 reviews liked by rin

a year ago I tried ender lilies and thought combat is clunky, unresponsive and I shelved after beating the first boss without giving it a second glance, now with the sequel coming soon (early access at the moment) I wanted to get back to the first game and oh boy did I got back to it and did my first impression aged badly. I simply had to get used to the overall feel of it and after that it just flowed from start to finish. I couldnt give my attention to games for about 1-2 months but ender lilies broke it and ignited my gaming side again with me being absorbed in this visually beautiful but storywise bitter hidden gem for 3 days straight. only nitpick I do have is that (and its probably my fault) while backtracking after getting new movement upgrades I felt I wasted my time because sometimes it wasnt clear what to do or how to find the the way even if I knew which paths got open (I checked one resting site for maybe 10 times and found the secret at the end of the game lmao), probably because map isnt detailed, I had to leave 2 areas not full so no %100 :(
also mili slaps as always, even though I knew and listened to ender lilies soundtracks before playing, it got even better while experiencing the game
I was not familiar with your game binary haze, you can cook and keep cooking. ender lilies is one of a kind game and a masterpiece at that. I'll wait for ender magnolia full release

para nada el mejor juego de la saga, de hecho fue el inicio de la decadencia de la saga principal de Pokemon, pero aun así es un juego el cual le tengo mucho cariño por todo lo que significa. fue el momento donde me dedique más en serio al competitivo y al VGC, gracias a él conocí a varias personas en internet los cuales fueron mis únicos amigos en esa época, fue gracias a el que empecé a subir videos a mi canal, etc... me la pasaba noches enteras jugando ya sea participando en torneos de grupos de facebook, yo mismo haciendo dinámicas en mi grupo que tenía, haciendo crianza, farmeando PB, o haciendo combates por chat de voz con un compa.

ha sido el juego de pokemon que más horas le he dedicado y en general el 3er juego que más horas le he dedicado con un mínimo 3000 horas (el contador deja de subir luego de las 999 horas, pero haciendo cálculos esas fueron como mínimo las horas totales que le dediqué). irónicamente era probable que jamás hubiera jugado Pokemon Y ya que a pesar de ser un fan de la saga desde que tengo memoria, en la 5ta gen ya me había dejado de interesar y no compre black/white2 por eso mismo, pero no fue sino por un compa que prácticamente me obligo a las pocas semanas de que saliera el juego a ir con él a preorden y es que yo ni siquiera sabia que iba a salir un nuevo juego de Pokemon. al final fuimos y casi me quedo sin juego ya que tenia que preordenarlo con días de antelación, pero por suerte alguien no fue a recoger su juego y pude comprar ese. a veces me pongo a pensar en lo tanto que hubiera cambiado mi vida si él nunca me hubiera dicho de ir a comprarlo y también me pone a pensar en que otras cosas en la vida nunca se dieron debido a mis decisiones ya que si una decisión simple como la de ir o no a comprar este juego influyo demasiado en mi vida, estoy seguro de que así hay muchas que desafortunadamente por la decisión que tome nunca las sabré... pero bueno, ya he filosofeado mucho...

aun así es válido darle una calificación en base a mi experiencia personal, pero ignorando al juego en si? digo, me encanto la mecánica de las megas, me parece el mejor gimmic de la saga, el salto del 3d fue bueno para su época (a pesar de que en los siguientes juegos se la pasaron reutilizando los mismos modelos y muchas de las animaciones que aquí se incluyeron), pero el resto es mediocre... pero al final esto es mi review y aunque quiera ser lo más subjetivo que quiera, al final mis opiniones son subjetivas y aunque la calificación que le daré no debería de ser la que le tendría que dar, la verdad es que no me importa.




first thing i want to point out is that god damn does this game overstay its welcome. everything from its menuing, traversal, combat and even the script feel like they've been designed, intentionally or not, to stretch out as much time as possible. without delving too much into detail, it's especially noticeable in the dream world sections, where the party gets into wacky subplots that ultimately lead nowhere and add barely anything other than some scarce lore about a background item in the real world. some might argue that all that padding out is for character development's sake, but that's not it either. the main characters barely advance or change as the game goes on. their personalities are set in stone as early as the picnic scene in the forest playground on your first day. i'd excuse such padding if at least the inbetweens had some fun moments but no, this game's attempt at humor is the equivalent of a 2014 tumblr post that ends in keysmash.

combat is a chore, and i say this as someone who enjoys turn based combat. not only menuing in combat feels clunky with its four main cracters strewn across each corner of the game's window (seriously guys, simple is best. JRPGs solved this more than 25 years ago), fights themselves aren't rewarding most of the time. the game's reliance on emotions as a "rock-paper-scissors" type mechanic is very interesting... as long as you can apply it. most mob enemies die to regular attacks in a single turn, and spending juice or items to set the enemies' moods feels wasteful outside of boss encounters, especially when those same mobs can change their own emotions anyway.

i don't even want to talk about the plot. some might really like the narrative it (tries to) build interluding its dream and real segments, but to me that final twist legit felt like dropping the entire narrative down a flight of stairs for the sake of a punchy, serious tone. i'd expect it from a short RPG maker title, but for a game that's longer than earthbound with extra levity on top, it completely undoes whatever character advancements it tried to make during its almost 20 hour runtime. graceless doesn't even begin to describe it.

honestly, either play a short-form RPG maker horror game like yume nikki or a JRPG with actual decent combat and plot instead of going for this tepid inbetween.

probably one of the worst picross games available on the 3ds. the fact that progression is gated by both energy and picrites, both time-dependant resources (and picrites make you grind for them), really saps out any fun out of playing multiple puzzles in a single session. each puzzle features different goals that you must beat in order to get extra picrites, with some of them being as ridiculous as asking you to carry a specific pokémon that you won't be able to unlock until multiple stages later, or beating a 20x15 puzzle in under 6 minutes which is only feasibly possible by cheesing it with multiple legendary pokémon skills or by straight up looking up the solution online. the most fun aspect out of these games, micross (a massive illustration made out of multiple 10x10 smaller picross puzzles put together) is also gated behind these goals since you must unlock every single smaller puzzle (a tile) through this method.
gameplay is just like all the other 3ds picross games made by jupiter and its OST is as bland as it gets. also this is subjective but the actual pixel art you get out of these puzzles is pretty ugly, with some really putting in the effort to portray a pokémon as a 10x10 sprite.
there's basically no reason to play this before any of the many other picross games on the 3ds unless you like pokémon that much that you're willing to tolerate multiple f2p mechanics hindering your progress at every single roadstop, in which case not even arceus can help you.

Come on
Come on
Come on
Come on come on

if only you knew how cute and funny things really are.

gave the game another go and while it's not as bad as i remember and there was a lot of parts i thought were good, the game itself is just super boring. most of the characters are too one note for me to care beyond "their personality trait is annoying" or "i like their personality trait" and the story itself is incredibly uninteresting, even compared to some of the weaker fire emblem titles. it's a shame that the series went the direction it did since awakening as a launching point had a lot of good ideas and potential but i guess we had to run with mostly the bad ones for fates and just throw shit at the wall until it sticks after

the black panther of people who masturbate on public transit