I played both this and chapter 2 together in one sitting, so instead of reviewing a singular chapter, I'm just going to review them both as parts of a singular whole with same score. Kind of awkward, but that is what happens when you don't fully release your games :P

That being said, Deltarune makes a good first impression. The story is considerably more interesting, the character designs are much better, the gameplay is massive improved and good lord, the soundtrack is wonderfully catchy. My biggest complaint of Undertale was that the battle system was largely neglected. Deltarune completely sidesteps this issue. Fighting is a valid option, mercy is a valid option. Do what you want! It means that I can fight however I damn well please and have a good time doing it. The combat system is fun, too. The game design here is a significant improvent than from Undertale. Memorable area after memorable area, as well as good fights - Deltarune knows exactly where to pick up from the failings of Undertale.
However, Toby Fox is still Toby Fox - and around the time of Chapter 1, the combat system was still lacking polish. I found myself underwhelmed by the supporting cast - Ralsei and Susie feel very plain, and trope-heavy. They weren't unlikable, but I had expected more from them. Kris, on the other hand, is intriguing. I love their role in the story and I cannot wait to see what direction the character goes in. The gameplay is lacking polish, and it becomes apparent after playing Chapter 2 that the devs knew it. Only Kris can act, meaning that some of the party members can feel more like burdens - especially Susie.
However, while I don't think these complaints are minor and are actually rather significant, Deltarune is a step in the right direction. Chapter 1 is a great setup, and it begins to show a real growth in the style of Toby Fox from Undertale.

Reviewed on Sep 26, 2021
