fuck this slow ass twat

if i had played this in my childhood i would consider it the coolest thing in the world but its clunky controls in 2022 are a massive turn off for me. you spend like 20-30 minutes in a stage just to die during the bossfight because THIS FUCKER CAN'T EVEN RUN and then you need to start over from the beginning every single time. fuck this, I have more shit to do with my shitty life

story and aesthetics are cool tho

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2022


2 years ago

1. bosses have checkpoints. sounds like you gave up on the first or second stage
2. the controls aren't clunky as the game isn't a traditional hack n slash
3. sieg doesnt need dante or sora levels of mobility to avoid attacks effectively. just dodge
true, bad game

2 years ago

just dodge. just work. just talk to her. just be happy