2 Reviews liked by roggaboggas

WEEPY: "Interesting"! "Interesting"!! Sleepy! Is there anything more nauseating than hearing a videogame described as "INTERESTING"??


WEEPY: As if... every second spent playing these things is time invested, to be someday repaid as an invitation to some kind of interminable cosmic dinner party, where we all get together to say INTERESTING things about INTERESTING ideas and deliver mildly poignant takes about Monster Hunter...

SLEEPY: Or we died and are there already.....

WEEPY: Like the idea of just reading enough books that you become "well read" and somehow transcend the pettiness of the world. I hate the phrase "thought-provoking", it makes me think of prodding a snail with a stick to watch it retract its eyes. I don't want to be PROVOKED, mother fucker, I want to DIE. I want this stuff to be like a concrete wall I can ram my head against!!! Videogames should be an ABYSS, unsayable, unthinkable, the void in a Neo-Geo Pocket format, absolute exteriority that you push your absolute interiority against to discover the limits and the movements of both.

weepy sleepy manifesto

I like to think that Orta would definitely reconsider her terf bangs were she made aware of what the hairstyle implied