Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

June 6, 2022

First played

February 21, 2022

Platforms Played


this game, even after numerous patches, is still in a very sorry state. i have a 3080Ti, and 16 gigs of ram in my PC, and i still got frame rate issues and textures that refused to load in all the way. the game is poorly optimized to an absurd degree. the objectives you do in the game are also pitiful. you go to a bowling alley, grab one food item, and leave. go to the golf course, grab a security badge and camera, then leave. some quests are interesting and fun, but theres a lot of walking through a barren landscape. in a purely objective way, this game is not good

and yet, idk i had fun. subjectively speaking, i really enjoyed it. i wont blame anyone for hating it, or for thinking its the worse game ever. but i had fun. id give it a higher score if i was basing this off my own personal feelings

unpolished but its def fun. it has its moments