April, 2024

0h 52m

played some plunderstorm with the bsf!!

5h 13m

mostly just dicked around rather than get anything done... but gosh this game is cute

5h 15m

i don't even really know what i did today... weeklies on ebonyx and arzim again OH i finished up df pathfinder!! i'm just going crazy rn waiting for the MOP remix event ahghhg


1h 57m

had a really awful night so i defrosted this game to stream to my gf T-T !! made it to a bit after makoto awakens his persona


6h 15m

did more weeklies on arzim & ebonyx and otherwise just kinda fucked around


3h 42m

leveled darrosar a bit more before the weekly reset

March, 2024


3h 23m

did plunderstorm & leveled darrosar a teensy bit


4h 9m

got arzim to 70!! we ball


1h 30m

killed the entire goblin camp and am otherwise just vibing

1h 22m

played a teensy little bit more on arzim