Log Status






Time Played

62h 0m

Days in Journal

16 days

Last played

May 30, 2022

First played

February 23, 2019

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


the gameplay in this entry of ni no kuni is absolutely excellent, i genuinely could run around farming forever. not to mention, the progression system, both during and after the story is spectacular!

the graphics and art direction are just gorgeous, even without ghibli this time around (i do quite miss the 2d cutscenes, though)

i particularly like the idle kingdom building aspect, it's really nice spending a few hours farming resources in the world for whatsoever you need them for, and then coming back to a full stash of gold waiting in your kingdom.

the only issue i really have with this game is that the story feels a lot more immature than the previous one. i love them and all, but i just don't feel for these characters as much as i do the characters in the original