The better version of Mario World, if only because 1) the spin jump is mapped to a shoulder button instead of A. Why was it mapped to A in the SNES version?? 2) Luigi feels like Luigi so there's at least one character with physics that feel decent.

If there's a flaw that would make you not want to play this version, it's the spritework. It was already sloppy in the original version (seriously, there's some sprites outlined in all black,some outlined in soft color..) but it's way worse when everything is mega washed out. Just look at Mario,mf looks british. Not that there's much to look at,because theming-wise, it's all a little bland. The whole game takes place in Dinosaur Island, yet there's like 6 dinosaurs in the game. Speaking of which, I don't think Yoshi's continued existence was worth it for there to only be 2 main power ups here but that's probably just me.

Okay, done ragging on it :3 it's a fun game, even for a known Mario disliker and I for sure appreciated it a lot more compared to any previous playthrough. The things I dislike don't seem to be necessarily hot takes and are all things considered, minor. We can have a little contrarianism, as a treat.

Reviewed on May 16, 2024


1 month ago

I wasn't expecting to see "just look at mario, mf looks british" in my reads today and cracking up.
this review is just what i needed