The second Sonic game that I have ever played and yet another one that I absolutely enjoy, the soundtrack kicks ass, the variety in characters and gameplay and of course, the bad voice acting in the game never gets old.
For years, I thought that Big was the worst and most annoying character to play as, but as it turns out, his levels are actually super easy, at least, when you figure out the technique to catch Froggy first try every time.
Not to mention, this game is what turned Tails from sidekick to hero, only for Sega to make him backtrack years later, but we don't talk about that.
This game also introduces the best final boss in any Sonic game, you can't change my mind, Perfect Chaos, fighting this guy as Super Sonic to Crush 40 is just so epic, only boss fight to come close to this to me would probably be Dark Gaia from Sonic Unleashed.
Tikal and Chaos are also two really great characters that I really hope get brought into the third Sonic movie, imagine seeing Sonic fight Perfect Chaos on the big screen, how cool would that be?!

Reviewed on Mar 27, 2021
