This game doesn't have the best gameplay around, future entries into this series have definitely improved a lot gameplay wise, I still consider this to be one of my favorite of the series because of all of the characters, the writing, and the epic soundtrack.
I wasn't able to experience the DLCs to this game like Warden's Keep, Return to Ostagar, or the Witch Hunt, and I still haven't completed the Awakening expansion, but since I've gotten ahold of the Ultimate Edition of this game for the PC, I'm definitely going to revisit it sometime in the future.
Also, the intro to this game always gives me goosebumps that none of the other titles have managed to replicate with future entries.
The origins system is also a really good addition, being able to choose between which origin you start out with really shakes up the story with characters reacting to you differently depending on your race, your origin, and your gender, the biggest example is the City Elf origin where things change depending on which gender you choose, I'd say my most favorite would be the Human Noble origin, don't know why, but I just feel like that one is the best of all of them, personally.
The gameplay can be tedious at times and the turn-based gameplay can be pretty mind-numbingly dull, but if you look past it, take in the atmosphere, the soundtrack, and if you are incredibly invested in the story and characters, you can easily look past these flaws and find yourself enjoying the game.

Reviewed on Mar 27, 2021
