Alright, so after replaying this game again recently, I can honestly say that I enjoyed it a lot more this time around, then again, I actually knew where everything was this time around and was able to plan things out a bit better this time around, as well.
Manus was a pain in the ass for me the first time I played, but was significantly easier for me to beat this time around, thanks to the pendant that I found that blocks his dark magic attacks, I did die once, but once I got back, I was able to dodge his attacks perfectly and get in attacks when I needed to, yes, I GOT GUD.
Last half of the game does fall short, but it doesn't ruin my experience at all, except for the Bed of Chaos, fuck that boss, I died once I killed it and had nothing, but anxiety when I went to get my souls back and trying not to die to the Titanite Demon that stands in the pathway, thankfully, I did retrieve my souls and didn't end up losing them.
I also killed Havel this time and got his armor, something that I didn't do the first time I played and that made things (the Four Kings) a bit easier for me.
As for my favorite boss, I think I'll have to go with Artorias, he's such a cool boss and is quite challenging, with Gwyn being my second favorite.
And this time, I went with the Dark Lord ending, since I already linked the fire the first time and honestly, I can see why people like that ending, it is really cool and unlike Dark Souls 3, you don't have to do anything tedious in order to get it.
But yeah, all in all, this game really is a masterpiece, flawed, but still a masterpiece.

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2024
