"Where's everyone going? Bingo?"

This is just the kind of game that you feel so lucky to have had a chance to play.

I'm working my way through the ethos of Resident Evil and as simple as the over-arching story is I can't even put it into words how rewarding the experience has been. Obviously I'm very late to the party, but every beat along the way has felt like the instant classic moment that it has been for people all this time. I totally get it now, this is an all-timer.

And I can't help but think about how NUTS this game is for 2005! Sure they've really polished the formula since then but this was all groundbreaking stuff! I'm really just so happy and impressed. Can't wait to try the remake one day.

I'm at a crossroads now. I kind of want to go back and play more of the other two remakes, but part of me wants to carry right through to the 5th game and see where it's all headed. I'll have to think on it for a bit.

Reviewed on May 08, 2023
