Dimps HQ.

"Hey boss, people don't seem to like bottomless pits all that much. Should we do something about it in this new game we're working on? Maybe we could stop putting them all over the place?"
"Hmm... Shower the player with rings and extra lives. They won't complain about dying if they don't get a game over."
"Of course sir! How didn't I think of that before? It's genius!"

All snark aside, holy shit what a palate cleanser after Shadow the Hedgehog. No guns, no bleak environments, no unnecessarily """"complex"""" narrative, none of that insecure, tryhard edgy bullshit. We're back to Sonic being cool again, possibly the coolest he's ever been up to this point if I'm being honest.

Cute low poly models, level aesthetics that feel familiar yet fresh enough thanks to unique set pieces in each zone, a satisfying trick system, perfect pacing/length, one of the best soundtracks in the series and a stylish new character all come together to make one of my favorite 2D Sonics, next to CD. Yes, even considering all the bottomless pits.

Sometimes, all a game needs to do to win me over is Possess The Vibe, and by god, Sonic Rush has it in spades.(conversely, having the wrong vibe can sink a game even if everything else is technically ok)
Even in a zone called "DEAD LINE", the beats don't stop, the tricks keep rolling and the energy stays at the fucking ceiling.

Of course, vibes by themselves aren't enough to excuse all the downsides. Random bottomless pits are annoying in any situation, and the boss fights here aren't that interesting, the upgraded attack patterns at low health don't really make them any better. But man, it doesn't matter, this game is so good everywhere else. Even the special stages! The Dimps Special Stage Curse is gone! They're easy to access, fair and fun to play, and you can retry them pretty much instantly if you fail.

Hideki Naganuma's style was MADE for modern Sonic. Why is this the only game in the series he's ever composed for? Energetic funky beats are so much better at enhancing the high speed nature of these games.
(Wrapped in Black and Bomber Barbara are absurdly good boss themes.)
This was a blast to play through, from beginning to end. One of the most goated games in the series for me, and my favorite iteration of modern Sonic when it comes to presentation. This game fucks.

Reviewed on May 11, 2024
