2 reviews liked by sagapung

In every single waking hour of the days that make up the gregorian calendar, I think to myself about how much I absolutely detest the woefully pathetic image of your existence.

If every atom within every universe inside every multiverse on the planes of reality within every timeline were accounted for, their paltry numbers wouldn't be enough to fill a single angstrom of the colossal monument that is my hatred for the knowledge that your presence is within any of my six senses. A single syllable of your title brings about a swift malevolent annihilation of which the likes no one has ever seen or heard of before in reality or in legend.

For you, mild resentment.

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I REALLY wanted to like this game, and i did but the thing is, it wasn't the "like" that i wanted.
You see, this game was made way back when the old 6th gen of consoles were pretty new and released during rockstar's development of GTA 5, so you can clearly see some of rockstar's flavour even though it's made by Team Bondi, i.e the open world and drivable vehicles.
I love this game's story, it was set up pretty slow but, once you get playing, it really hooks you up (especially if you're a fan of detective and mystery stories).
I also really love the cast of characters Bondi made up from the partners, the commanders, even the suspects, but there is one character i REALLY don't like.
It's the main man himself Cole Phelps, gotta be honest with you, he is VERY unlikeable, no matter how much backstory you put out, there is no way to make him likeable. Sure he makes funny faces and says weird lines sometimes, but overall i DID NOT enjoy his character at all, i enjoy Jack Kelso more, since he is a private eye.
Since this is a detective story, the cases are pretty much connected, while some aren't connected and are just filler for the most part, they are pretty enjoyable even though it gets a bit repetitive over time.
I don't really like the needless open world, i think it's a bit forced (i feel like that's rockstar's involvement to make the game open world, but who knows)
What i DO like is the game's feel for the 40's, sure it's not as lively as say mafia 2, but the whole world feels like an accurate 1940's post war america and i really enjoy that.
So far it's rockstar's underrated gem, grab it if it's cheap (sadly there won't be any sequels cus Team Bondi's dead at this point).