⌚ Time to finish - 10 hours (82% complete - few levels replayed for fun. External HD crashed so had to replay about 2 hours of game)
🤬Difficulty - easy - medium - The difficulty on the later 7-9 stages ramps up to hard. But once you go through it a few times and figure out your optimal path forward it gets easier. The ball is also very hard to control in the beginning but you soon get the hang of it. It took me a while to really learn how to control the ball so I probably took longer than most to finish this game.

🔊 Soundtrack - I really liked a few tracks few, they were quirky and fun. Some were fine. I can see why this is a highlight for most people.
🌄Graphics – Nothing to speak of. Its an old game but doesnt look too bad.
🌦 Atmosphere – Not much of an atmosphere game. It doesn't need it.
📚 Main Story / Characters – Story is only here for quirkiness. Nothing really to write home again. I do love how the king berates you everytime you fail lol.
🤺 Combat – None
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – I did all the trophies except collection ones. The ball is already hard to control, I didn't want to bother trying to control the ball to get to exact places where all the rarer items are.
🚗 Movement/Physics – It takes some time to get use to. Later on I got pretty good from very bad. Its crazy how on youtube the best players are controlling it so smooth. Stick with it and you will learn. Its meant to be clunky. Its a ball of random crap! Its pretty impressive though how well the ball moves considering the size and what you rolled into it.
📣 Voice acting – None
🥇 Best thing about the game - Its absolutely impressive to me how the same level looks so different based on your size. In the park when you are small you gobble up shovels, as you get bigger you gobble up people, and play structures, and shops, and eventually even clouds, and tornados. Its nuts! There is no game that helps you see sense of scale like this.

💡Final Thoughts:

Must play. However if you find yourself frustrated with the controls stick with it. Its well worth it, no other game like this. However, if you decide not to, play enough to get a feel of this sense of how scale is represented in this game and just play a few easy levels over and over again. Like I did for practice.

This game fundamentally exploits a common human tendency, collecting and feeling powerful. It zeroes in on it and makes you feel so.

--- Tips (Spoilers) ----
1. Start small and go up
2. Find areas of density and move quickly. Don't back track for ONE thing when you can grab 4-5 things in the same time. Density is the name of the game.
3. People, plants, buildings give tons of progress
4. Learn how to quickly flip from one side of the ball to the other (press l3+r3)

Reviewed on May 28, 2022
