⌚ Time to finish - 13 hours 32 mins (New to platforms on normal mode so no checkpoints in escape sequences)
🀬 Difficulty - Death Incarnate! πŸ’€ (died a symmetric 1331 times) - platforming is hard, not very puzzly.
β™Ύ Replay-ability - I would play this every so often to benchmark if i am getting better at platformers over time. Very replayable to test your skills.

πŸ”Š Soundtrack - Great soundtrack! One of the best I heard in any game. I would listen to it outside of the game.
🌦 Atmosphere – Excellent. Amazing sound!
πŸŒ„Graphics – So beautiful. One of the best I seen in any game.

πŸ“š Main Story / Characters – Story is touching though some things are ambiguous. But it doesn't matter. There is enough there to tug at your heart strings.
🀺 Combat – Passable. Button mash one button, but it didn't bother me that is not point of the game.
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – Definitive edition has 2 extra levels they were nice.
πŸš— Movement/Physics – BAD! This is going to be controversial statement. Ori moves a little loosely so precision is hard which causes a lot of deaths. They do things simply to make the game harder. Bash technique is horrible on controller and fundamental to game.
πŸ“£ Voice acting – minimal but great.

πŸ“ Review:

This is a tough game to review. I am not an expert on platformers so I learnt so much playing this game that made me a better gamer. I also played on normal so had no checkpoints. Definitely suggest easy if you are new for the auto checkpoints. Game does have a generous save system. But the escape sequences on normal do not and those are hard.

The music is amazing, the story is touching, the visuals are amazing, and because this game provides me a unique experience and difficulty I have not seen anywhere I loved the game. I love games that make me feel things, This game made me feel frustrated, ecstatic, tested my patience, and more. Ups and Downs... but one thing i was sure of. I WILL FINISH THIS GAME!

However, i have some qualms with the design of this game. The game is already hard enough and the designers did things that were unnecessary, and IMO simply to make it harder. I guess in a way i feel that it added to the sense of accomplishment but it also makes it less accessible. These things should have been maybe added in hard rather than just changing enemy health.

1. Flipping directions when you are upside down. Why? I had to flip my controller to play upside down levels.
2. Bash skill aiming is completely screwed up on gamepads. Its slow and inaccurate and in time trials its certain death. Its just easier and quicker to use mouse to aim it.
3. Its clear the designers looked at common movement patterns and put traps to just kill you. Some of these are VERY hard to see. You are walking down a long path, oh shit there was a hard to see lava... dead.
4. Unless you are amazing with controllers, I cannot see how this game was even properly certified for controllers. THe precision i got with my mechanical keyboard and mouse cannot be matched on a controller and the game needs it. I switched between controller and keyboard.

πŸ’‘Final Thoughts:

If you want to call yourself a hardcore gamer, this is a right of passage. Everyone should play it just to set the bar high and see how far you can get. I can't wait to play the sequel to this, as I hear they improved a lot of things. If you completed this game either you are skilled or in my case persistent and hate giving up. :)

Reviewed on May 28, 2022
