fallout 4 is like work to me. now, this doesn't mean I hate it, it's enjoyable enough, I've willingly put god knows how many hours into it, but whenever i'm away from it, just like work, all i can think of are the shit aspects of it whenever it pops into my brain. the writing, the bugs, the lackluster settlement builder, the writing, the way certain questlines never end no matter how many quests you do, the writing, oh and the writing really isn't as good as the older games. is this review another new vegas boomer focusing on narratives in video games? not really. the reason why i bring up the mid writing and how fallout 4 feels like work, is because just like work, when i'm in it, it's never as bad as my brain tells me it is when i'm away from it. i like fallout 4, when i turn my brain off and just focus on 'the bethesda loop' (explore, kill, loot) is it mindless? yes. will this game ever stack up to new vegas? no. but is it fun? enough. enough to keep me coming back. i was also 14 when i played this for the first time so many years ago, so it's hard to be fair. the pretentious new vegas fan in me wishes we went down another road, but here we are. fallout 4 is fine. just like work. when you actually get your nose to the grindstone and turn your brain off. that's the most praise i can really give it

Reviewed on Mar 27, 2024
