they should've remade this instead like 7 didn't really need a remake. Not this either tbf, but i really wanna see these characters in new graphics.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024


1 month ago

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28 days ago

don't know if this is comming to you at all, but i fully agree. ofc without the gacha. I play jrpgs because i can sit down chill and follow the story without doing to much. In the remake of ff7 tho i gotta mash a button the enire game and it isn't fun at all. i get they want to reach people who don't like turn based, but they simultaniosly lose the people who actually wanted the remake. Extremely stupid in my oppinion.

28 days ago

@schmliff0 don't know if this is comming to you at all, but i fully agree. ofc without the gacha. I play jrpgs because i can sit down chill and follow the story without doing to much. In the remake of ff7 tho i gotta mash a button the enire game and it isn't fun at all. i get they want to reach people who don't like turn based, but they simultaniosly lose the people who actually wanted the remake. Extremely stupid in my oppinion.

28 days ago

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28 days ago

@schmliff0 I'm glad you liked it, because it was almost unplayable for me:)