between being hindered by the constraints of a live-release, gacha game format, and its company head's inability to make sound decisions regarding controversy... i'll leave it be for now, as much as i'd love to enjoy it more than i've been able to.

i saw this story to its end because of how much i loved it but i find myself wondering if i actually should've..? its first two routes are quite possibly one of my favorite stories in fiction, ever... as for its latter three, it almost felt as if Adelta were attempting to destroy the very story they so carefully crafted. i have a lot of conflicting thoughts about this one. kawaminatama forever tho

admittedly not a cooking sim kind of guy but its exposition & worldbuilding seemed to hint at a deeper story we simply never got...? odd empty dialogue that tries to be playful and like. screenshot-worthy but you're not given enough time nor adequate reason to connect to any of its characters enough for it to feel like much. Vincent is there tho that's what the points are for

they want these guys to be yaoi reeaalllyyyy bad and i understand the hustle but it just doesn't hit. plot is intriguing and gameplay is impressive as hell for the constraints of the medium but def struggles with its pacing

I love you nightmarish ass deckbuilder I love you angela