There is one great strength to this game and it’s the exploration. Most non-linear games like open world games and metroidvanias don’t give you really good rewards for exploring, but in this game most things you collect are either new attacks that expand your moveset or currency used to upgrade them, and it always makes exploring the map feel worth it. You can even find more meaningful things like relics and upgrades to your healing which always feel rewarding to find. Other things like the beautiful visuals and music really elevate the experience of the game.

There is also one big weakness to the game however, and it’s the enemies. I think small enemies having relatively limited movesets is forgivable, not every game needs to be Nioh, but most of the bosses are just not good. Their rhythms are very easy to learn and they rarely break away from them, if you go in with the right build most bosses don’t take more than a few tries to beat. Because of it the bosses feel pretty boring once you get a feel for them, they’re designed around a very “dodge and punish” style. You might think every boss in every game is like that, but games with really good bosses, like Hollow Knight, which this game clearly takes a lot of inspiration from, let you get in a lot of hits at times when it doesn’t seem like you’d be able to at first. Once you get used to Hollow Knight bosses, you can keep figuring out more times to get in more damage. In Ender Lillies, because of the slower pace of the combat you just aren’t able to get creative against bosses. It’s very clear when you can hit bosses, and it’s very clear when you can’t. It’s a shame and it’s frustrating because the amount of options you have to customize your moveset should give you more options to be creative against bosses, but the bosses aren’t designed well enough for it.

Overall it’s a great game with good ideas, but it’s bosses hold it back from being something really amazing that I can recommend to more people. Apparently a sequel to this game exists but I’m not sure where the story would go after the ending of this game, hopefully it improves on Ender Lillies though.

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
