The single best single-player horror game I have ever played, this game delivers so incredibly hard on it's high concept.

Creepy jumpscares and hits the horror beats you'd expect from a Chilla's art title, very solid game


This game carried the gaming group for a solid week in December 2022. I have vivid memories of children calling me every kind of slur

Not the most story rich Chilla's Art title, but it has a great atmosphere and the jumpscares hit very hard.

The type of game I wish I could play again for the first time. So much of the story is gradually revealed as you explore the game, and my friends and I would schedule times to play this game as not to rush the story, and I find myself wishing I could get this experience from a game again.

Very solid game and gameplay big improvement on the first, however, the ending left me wanting more.

Solid game, decent story, it just doesn't feel like one of their stronger titles

Wish I could fight the duck

Powerful game, Chilla's Art knocked it out of the park with their take on the anomaly game

Loved the story and how it works with the meta-narrative of a visual novel!

Some of the objectives took me a while to find and took me out of the suspense of disbelief a little, but very creative style of game

one of the horror games of all time

Fun game to play with friends!