I had fun 100%'ing it.

Wonder took a good minute to grow on me. I wasn't digging the whole elephant thing or all the badges and standies or whatever was going on. I was worried there was going to be too much to collect/do. I still haven't been compelled to dive back into Odyssey because of how many darn secrets there were to find (and not find). I love blind 100%'ing Mario games and I was worried this would be another drop. Luckily it's an appropriate level of secrets for the 2D landscape.

By the end all the badges and elephant stuff grew on me. I felt sharp with the gameplay and was having tons of fun in the home stretch. Some of the bonus world levels were a solid challenge. All with Super Mario Bros. 3 vibes throughout. Which I appreciated as an old head that grew up with NES.

Final boss was a let down. Didn't like it being a rhythm fight even if it was super forgiving. Just felt weird they took a small niche part of the game and suddenly made it the big show at the end. If you mainlined the game I can imagine that disappointment could've been compounded. But going for everything was the way to go for me. Got tons of hours and a good chunk of fun.

Plus I got to play as (blue) Toad. That was rad.

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2024
