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January 5, 2021

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While Mafia: Definitive Edition is better than the original game in some parts, it can't make new players understand the legend of the original game. It does not offer as memorable and unique experience as Mafia. Where it disappoints most is the potential that Definitive Edition has missed. Hangar 13, who did not understand the idea behind the original game or did not want to do it, combines the gameplay of Mafia III with Mafia, two elements that don't fit together at all.

From now on, i'll say just Mafia for original game, and Definitive Edition for remake.


First of all, let's talk about one of the biggest problems that ruins the gameplay, the character animations. For those who don't know, the animations were copied and pasted from Mafia III. But the main character of Mafia III, Lincoln, was a former soldier. Therefore, the animations were made accordingly, in a way that the character would make every move tactically and fast. Reloading, opening doors, changing covers, even standing still looks military-like – fists clenched and head bent forward. The main idea of ​Mafia was the consequences of a normal working class person who is trying recover from the effects of the Great Depression joining the mafia. Since our main character is inexperienced in every sense in this new environment, the game was made in a simulation-heavy and compelling way to give this idea fully. The military-like animations in Definitive Edition rip off this clumsiness, the fast animations that don't match the slow pace of Mafia cause a conflict between gameplay and the idea behind it. But as we go on, we will see the idea behind Definitive Edition is very different.


Another big difference is the design of the environments. In Mafia, the levels were realistically designed. The places looked like they could be functional for their true purpose, in Definitive Edition they were designed to be mostly narrow and linear as opposed to open and wide spaces, and elements were added to assist the player, thus absurd situations such as finding a barrel with explosive chemicals on the top floor of a hotel building has emerged. This undermines the weight and realism of the game. The tedious and long rides you go to (and return from) each mission in Mafia have been completely removed. I wish the option was offered and every single ride was put on Old School difficulty like Mafia. Even in Old School, the number of police and traffic lights in the city is underwhelming, it gives the sense that the game is afraid to get you frustrated and bored. The idea in Mafia was to draw a parallel between the first long taxi mission and mafia jobs, even if you are in the mafia, this is the daily life.


These long rides in Mafia allowed us to learn about the city. We were seeing the development of the city as time progressed, as it told the aftermath of the Great Depression. The cars in the garages were increasing, the closed shops were opening, the constructions that were already in progress were being completed. The city was bustling and lively. Definitive Edition doesn't want you to interact with the city by skipping these parts. Maybe the city doesn't even develop over time, we don't know because we don't spend time with it. It would be better if we had more to do with the beautifully modernized Lost Heaven – even though the public transport, bascule bridges, and many of the traffic lights in Mafia have been removed and the number of cops has been drastically reduced.


Another problem is the sound design. In Mafia, the sounds were raw, unprocessed, harsh to reflect realism. Enviromental sounds were intensified and the sounds were affecting deeply. In Definitive Edition, on the other hand, the sound mixing is music-intensive. The gun sounds are quieter and when you consider the enemies who don't react much in combat, this gives the feeling of shooting plastic bullets. To understand the difference between the sounds of these two games, it is enough to look at the difference between CoD 2 and WWII.


Mafia had so many little details to the extent of exaggeration. Many objects could be shattered and damaged. The cars were skewed radically, bullet marks were left, even gas was leaking more as a result of the bullets hitting the tank. Every little detail adds to the sense of realism and the game draws you in. I looked at something I did in Mafia in one episode: We were able to kill the man behind the counter by blowing up the ceiling lamp, which was unfortunately not possible in the Definitive Edition. Since the driving parts are short, the gasoline does not run out, which what Definitive Edition would want. Because it doesn't even have a refuel animation.


Definitive Edition changed a couple of missions with cutscenes whereas you used to play them in the game. For example, riding metro and starting bank heist is all in the cutscenes. The game is too cinematic and fast-paced, it's feels like a Hollywood movie adapted from a book, where the background and detail is lost in order to make the highest grossing with avoiding to take any risks.

What i expected from this game was just a heavy combat and all the details from Mafia. Considering the status of developers, it would be daydreaming to expect more.

Some people consider it normal that remakes are different from the original games and advocate that these games should be evaluated on their own. Seen this way, a remake makes no sense. The remake must always capture the theme and spirit of the original game. If not, it is to be a failed remake.