Yes, I'm one of the ones who started FE at Three Houses. And if Engage is a "return to form" like so many say it is, I think I'll stick to Three Houses for the time being.

Gameplay's fine, it always is. But God this game is fucking boring. It's the most basic, banal story you could come up with for a fantasy world. It feels so dreadfully uninspired and derivative, it blows me mind to think this came out in 2023. I gave up when they did the "bad guy stunned by villain's evilness and sides with heroes" gag for like the 17th fucking time.

It's also extremely linear which is hugely disappointing after 3H's replayability. With a story like this that lacks any weight and only ever develops into the most predictable and uninteresting plot revelations or twists, there's absolutely nothing to make you want to move forward.

And those character designs. Fucking hell. At least Genshin Impact is free.

Reviewed on Oct 03, 2023
