At the time of this writing, I have fallen off of the game. The beta was fun and the initial launch had me hooked for a couple of months but over time, without any meaningful content updates, it had quickly become a repetitive f2p FPS with horrendous microtransactions.

For those able to keep up and keep playing, good on you. Don't let anyone tell you what to enjoy or how to enjoy it. Personally, Halo Infinite will be uninstalled for the foreseeable future, until 343i finally delivers on key features, such as Forge.

One of my most interesting experiences I've ever had in gaming - a wonder of sight and sound. Say what you will, but no other game since this one has offered the same level of spectacle that MGR had given the world at the time of its release. If possible, do yourself a favor and get a copy of this game. It's probably cheap at your local GameStop or thrift store, and it's relatively quick to complete.

Rules of Nature. Nanomachines. The memes.

(This "review" can apply to any version of MGS3: Snake Eater.) Not much to say that hasn't been said, tbh. A solid game with a solid story, and a work of art by all hands on the development team. I have yet to play another game, outside of the Metal Gear franchise, that has left me as emotionally impacted as these.
The only issues I have with the game boil down to its camera control and how easy it is to lose track of yourself in the map environment, especially in the jungle portions.

Aside from all of this, playing this game on a Vita hits different. Like, how could they fit this game on a handheld? Damn.

A solid game in the Monster Hunter franchise that is just as entertaining as it is difficult. As a veteran of the pre-World era, I had little difficulty in getting a handle of the core gameplay but I can definitely see where newer fans can feel off-put by lack of some QoL features they've been accustomed to. Full of content, to a point where it can feel a bit bloated, and with a lot of room for players to explore, express, and experiment as Hunters. Just be sure to have at least one partner to share in your experience. A definite must-own.