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11 hrs ago

damngrego finished Call of Duty 3
I have no idea but I played the most recent cod and I decided to finally finish the campaigns for the games. I picked COD3 since it had a multiplayer and no lobbies. So, I booted up the campaign and it was a wild ride between AMERICANS GERMANS AND UHHH. I have never played the trilogy and at first I was like wow this games sensitivity is so slow, and for some reason I kept getting stuck on everything. I mainly used the thompson and hip fired every single sponge bullet enemy.
It was a cool campaign and it is crazy that most people don’t talk about the first COD trilogy, they were classic shoot stuff up. Too bad I couldn’t play the multiplayer, I heard capture the flag was the meta. I’m gonna try to play campaign multiplayer and the extra mode in these COD games.

9 hours

TREYARCH ALWAYS GOT THE BANGERS, title screen go hard af.

12 hrs ago

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