Why the heck does the Donkey Kong Country trilogy has such traumatising Game Over screens for a young inpressionable 5 year old kid like I was lmao.
Either way, I guess in a sense, it's very weird way for me to get good at playing/finishing the DKC games lol.

On that little side note of a tangent, this game still looks gorgeous to this day, I'm surprised that I haven't seen Nintendo ( and who ever made the DKC tropical duology) done a proper sequel to the DK franchise besides cameos or NSO classic ports.
Gameplay is fantastic as every level plays out differently and their level design is top notch with the example of the use of the collectable bananas as clues to secrets and bonus stages, to name a few.
Music is absolute god-tier, there's nothing I could add to the conversation really.

It shouldn't be skipped for DKC2, it's a must play!

Reviewed on Apr 30, 2023
