This one is also good.

The new areas are may be not so appealing to me as the ones from tKoD, but they do look unique, and it's always cool to see new Dunwall districts, 'cause every of them is something special in terms of its purpose and stuff.

Oh, and Brigmore Manor is prolly the most beautiful location in the game, if not in the enitre series.
The gameplay was expanded a bit, like, they added new type of mines (which doesn't kill), and there's a new ability —pull. Kinda strange that it was added only here, but okay, it doesn't make pull a bad ability.

The plot here continues the one from the tKoD, so don't expect anything super new: it's basically a logical extension of the first DLC intrigue (and somewhat of a prequel for Dishonored 2). The new characters are cool, though.

Summing up the whole thing, both the DLC are great. These are good extensions for the original game, which actually important in terms of the game world and the sequel. They're not an ordinary filler DLC to make some money, no, these are some real expansions, and this is one of that moments that makes them valuable and good. Arkane Studios did some real good job here, and I can only say thanks them.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
