8 Reviews liked by sillysalmon

i want dahlia to hold me lovingly in her arms

bro i was such a stupid kid, i had no idea how accounts worked so i just made a new one every time i wanted to play. I must have had 100 wolf dudes tied to my mom's email

I met the Rick and Morty creator whilst playing this once

i've been banned for like 4 years now

Great for autistic people but also terrible for autistic people

I ran around and found Felix Kranken and Jack Walten pony's sitting under a tree talking about how much they love each other and after a while of my neon green pony just staring at them ominously they told me to go away and i just said "ok im sorry. i support gay people" and they typed in chat "THIS GUY JUST CALLED US GAYSS?" and felix started doing the crying emote.

i was just in vc telling my buddy what to input dude i don’t own this game

"cute little free video game" to surrealism fan pipeline is real