First person shooters are easily the genre I play the most and am best at. Without a doubt, it's my favorite genre and Ultrakill is so good it makes everything else I've played less fun.

First time playing through, the movement is what immediately caught my attention. It's a lot faster than other shooters, and mastering jumping after a dash only makes it faster. As well, the aerial movement is far greater than any other shooter I've played, and with the addition of the grapple hook only gets better. And this insane freedom of movement isn't just fun, its necessary to the combat. You will need to meet flying enemies in the air, to get away as quickly as possible to dodge a bosses attack.

As well, the weapons in this game are superb and the game continuously pushed me to use all them and experiment. First play through, I started off exclusively using the pistol. This is pretty typical with how I play other games, not usually pushing myself out of my comfort zone. But a boss about midway through the game had me completely stumped, and I was only able to beat it after learning to use all the weapons. This had me pretty comfortably using all weapon types, but sticking to my favorites till the end of the main game. But afterwards I desperately wanted more Ultrakill, and took up the optional P rank challenges. These challenges require scoring a certain amount of "style" in each level, and REQUIRE you to switch between each weapon after only a few seconds. You'll be jumping between enemy to enemy, swapping from shotgun to pistol to rocket launcher all within ten seconds.

Despite not being finished yet, Ultrakill is already worth far more than its price. I haven't even covered its stellar music, hidden objectives, secret bosses/levels, or the addictive endless mode. Check it out if you haven't.

Reviewed on Dec 02, 2022
