Good game, but it definitely shows it's age and the chunkiness that comes to being one of if not the first one in its genre. The absolute worst offender though, is its save system. Absolutely atrocious save system which kind of tried to put a Super Mario approach in a game where it just does not work. The enemies and bosses also have an incredible amount of repetition, but it's mostly not as bothering as it could be because the combat is really fun.
The best thing about this game I think may be it's personality. It is incredibly over exaggerated to a comical extent, and sometimes you can't tell if the edginess of it is on purpose or if they really though "woah this is so cool", but it certainly works and it just makes the game a lot more memorable than it could have been.

Reviewed on Oct 30, 2023


7 months ago

Interested in hearing more of what you mean with the save system, only thing I've ever found odd is the mid-mission saving but that's easy to ignore

7 months ago

The whole deal with the yellow orbs. You buy of find orbs, when you die you respawn to one room before or so, and if you lose them all you literally have to repeat the whole level or sometimes even more (The game only lets you save every so often.).
It kind of worked on Mario because the levels where shorter and the game gave you plenty of lives, but in DMC the game gives you very little yellow orbs and you have to mostly buy them, which are bough with the same coin as the weapon upgrades, which is really not fun at all because if I'm playing a game like this I don't want to think if I should spend my money in the fun upgrades that will allow me to do cool combos or the boring yellow orbs which are just consumables used to dont waste as much time repeating levels.