Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

7 days

Last played

July 11, 2021

First played

July 5, 2021

Platforms Played


I picked this up because I had a $1 GameFly offer with two discs out and needed a second PS5 game. I almost didn't play it because I didn't know if I'd end up liking it, but I'm really glad I did!

I really enjoyed the platforming and mechanics, and everything was just challenging enough to make me keep trying to 100% every level. The ultimate challenge level was tough but fair, and I definitely made it harder on myself by going faster than I needed to (I finished at 8 minutes 45 seconds I think).

This game really shined in two-player co-op, though. I had tremendous fun playing with a friend, although when I tried four-player co-op it was much more of a hassle than anything due to the limited range of the camera.

Overall, I'm really glad I picked this up, and it was a delight to play on the PS5.