I strongly get the feeling that Gamedec considers itself a better game than it actually is. It's fine. The story is a bit generic and isn't particularly profound or very novel. The major twist is pretty obvious and a couple of the minor twists don't feel very weighty.

The game hotshots you into play. There's very little background or introduction. It just starts. And it's not all that great either. You get very little attachment to the world you live in or the lore that creates the tale. You get one pseudo-companion who you spent very minimal time with and the two of you don't really unpack an engaging relationship with one another. It all just sorta happens. That's the whole game. A lot of tell instead of show.

It's okay. Other than one crash, the game works. The story would probably be better as a tv show than as a game. The game just doesn't offer anything. It's probably worth a spin if you like top down RPGs like Disco Elysium. But not at full price. If you get it as a free game on Epic or it's in GamePass it's probably worth playing on a Saturday night. But it's definitely not a must play.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
