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1 day

Last played

June 24, 2022

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I completed the early access version 0.11.5 (r25)
Man, even in its current, unfinished state, this is the best rhythm game I've played in recent memory! And it only requires one button!
The theme is kinda weird: you are a remote-working doctor, on defibrillator duty, and all your patients have different conditions that cause their hearts to beat in a slightly different pattern. This ties in nicely with the gameplay: you have to consistently tap the spacebar on the seventh beat, so you have to keep up with the rhythm.
Every level corrisponds to a song and a patient (or combinations of patients) that you have to help out.
The hospital setting is just set dressing, but it gives way to heartwarming little stories between the patients, who you'll come to know and love both through their dialogue and the gameplay. This is because each one of them has a signature beat, and kind of a musical leitmotiv that you'll get familiar with throughout the experience.
The OST is full of amazing songs that really fit well with the different beats the game has you keep up with. It had me dancing in my chair with a dumb smile on my face multiple times.
Even better, the game constantly finds new, devious, groovy ways to throw you off, be they visual effects, coreography, weird beat combinations or more "metagame" distractions that I won't spoil here.
If I had to find a nitpicky complaint it's that some songs can get too chaotic to track. The visual representation of the beats can be a tad unclear and overwhelming (especially if you have to juggle 3 or more patients).
But that's a non-issue since on your second try on any given song, you'll have internalised all of the patterns, and you'll be able to go by heart, quite literally playing with your eyes closed.
I can't recommend this game enough, and I can't wait to see the final product.