Fresh off my Spider-Man Remastered playthrough, I hopped right onto the Miles Morales game. As expected, it plays very similar to the first game, but mostly just shorter and less content overall.

The story is on the short side and I finished in about 5 or 6 hours. There's still a number of story beats and while I thought the story overall was fine, it just felt lacking to the first game. I just didn't feel as hooked or engaged with what was happening.

I didn't like the characters too much. Rather than dislike though, it was mostly indifference. Miles himself was fine and he could definitely carry a game, but I just found Peter more interesting in comparison. Miles is portrayed more as a teenage superhero early in his career while Peter was an adult and already established hero for many years. I wouldn't say Miles' character is worse in comparison, but I just prefer Peter's more established and mature character.

The side characters are mostly okay. The only one I had an issue with was the main antagonist. I didn't think the game spent enough time developing the character to make me care about that person.

The side content are good, but the side stories are the ones that shine as expected.

Combat is similar, but Miles notably lacks a lot of gadgets that Peter has. In return, he has more offensive melee electric abilities. While cool, I think I prefer the diverse gadgets instead.

Despite preferring the first game in nearly every area, Miles Morales is still a fun game overall.

Reviewed on Aug 29, 2023
