Part of my interest in playing Control was to see the connections with Alan Wake. Half of my disappointment with the game was because of that since the connections doesn't become apparent (to me) until a post game DLC segment. The segment was decent, but the connections I hoped for wasn't spread across the game itself and was pretty isolated to one part.

As for the game itself, Control is fun to play at times. Games where you have powers that can lift objects and fling them at enemies have been fun (coughScarletNexuscough). There's also gunplay, but honestly, the launch ability is a lot more fun to use and generally deals better damage.

While you have a single gun in the game, it can change to various different gun types like a shotgun, rifle, and machine gun. The guns technically have unlimited ammo, but are limited to a cool down gauge to prevent infinite consecutive use. I think the key loop is to cycle between energy skills and guns so that you're not just waiting for cooldowns.

On normal difficulty, enemies hit really hard. You can die in 1-2 seconds in one attack burst so there's a lot of emphasis on constant moving. I think that's fine in theory, but it makes gun use not as effective as I liked. You can use shoot while moving, but don't expect any accurate shots.

I ended up dying a ton in this game and I really hate how the respawn system works. Progress of documents obtained and some enemy deaths are kept, but you are transported back to the last fast travel point. Sometimes, these are pretty far away from where you died and can be annoying when fighting bosses where I ended up dying to a lot.

There's a nifty levitating ability that you eventually unlock which makes exploring and combat more fun. It's just a shame that it unlocks so late.

The entire game takes place in an enormous warped office setting. It has great tone and atmosphere, but after a while, gets pretty old and the lack of visual variety really drags the game down.

There's a variety of characters you meet and are pretty interesting. They have excellent dialogue and voice acting so that's a plus.

The story is incredibly trippy. A bunch of weird crazy stuff rolled into one. I had a lot of difficulty following the game's story and by the end, probably understood about 60-70% of it. It never quite held my interest unfortunately. Maybe it's just me being not particularly bright to understand the deep story and nuances, but I just didn't like the story much.

Overall, the game has some interesting parts, ideas and I don't regret playing it, but the game is more frustrating than I'd liked.

Reviewed on Sep 14, 2023
