After playing and enjoying Until Dawn many years ago, there was a lot of anticipation for Supermassive Games next big game in a similar style that wasn't the smaller budgeted Anthology games. Did it meet my expectations? Not quite.

The story started off strong right off the bat in the prologue. Then afterwards began the relaxing segments to introduce all of the main counselors and major characters. This part itself wasn't bad, but it wasn't until the day turned into night when it became exciting.

The story doesn't pave new grounds, but was quite entertaining. While the mystery reveal wasn't that interesting itself, the buildup and suspense for most of the game was very thrilling. The many multiple "endings" are appealing, but ultimately the endings themselves are too brief and disappointing. The impact of the different story variations became very weak as a result.

The characters are mostly likable with two of them being pretty annoying at times without much to redeem them in my eyes. The dialogue at times are witty, but since these characters are young adults, I couldn't always connect with the way they talk.

Some of the characters have interesting issues and backstories which were disappointedly never really resolved.

The QTE gameplay is fine especially since I could adjust the "accessibility" of them. I used the lenient settings myself since I didn't want QTEs and quick times decisions to screw me over.

The graphics look quite nice most of the times, but the animations are surprisingly janky sometimes. Fast and quick movements look very unnatural.

The soundtrack for the ambience and atmosphere is good, but I question the use of vocal songs during some story segments. I just didn't think they fit.

Overall, the game is an entertaining 10 hours for a single playthrough. Lots of decision making and variation through the story, but they all lead to weakly executed endings. The story itself wasn't as interesting as Until Dawn and I think I prefer the setting there too over the Quarry's campground and forest setting.

Reviewed on Nov 22, 2022
