This game surprisingly rules. I loved the Dark Souls-esque approach to the combat and the game peaked so hard with boss fights like Trilla, Ninth Sister, and Malicos. The force abilities here feel so good to use as well and the double bladed lightsaber was so fun to whack around enemies with. I did wish there were more unique combat and force upgrades and abilities besides the basics like pushing and pulling, but everything that's here was still cool.

The story is just here, pretty by the numbers with a crazy character appearance in a final "fight". The level design of the planets are slightly interesting with some exploration that's undercut by endless ponchos and cosmetics that are neat but felt underwhelming to get 90% of the time.

Adding more insult and some humor are the bugs: textures popping in and out occasionally in the environment, performance slows down during exploration, Cal passing through random walls, and enemies getting caught in the level geometry. Nothing game-breaking, but the state of this game is real rough and absurd even four years later with the sequel right around the corner.

Edit: Just remembered, but this game also needs fast travel or some other way to travel faster across the maps. Felt exhausted trying to make my way across and off Zeffo way too many times.

Also Jedi Survivor chugs lol. Glad I'm not too into these games

Reviewed on Jan 12, 2023
