The resident evil and pre-devil may cry samurai game is very fun with terrible, over dramatic voice acting adding so much cheese to it, in addition to combat that is surprisingly fun but a little awkward and clunky in some spots. That said, this remaster kinda blows. The puzzles nearly broke me with the awful manual save system and the lack of cutscene skips that all add up to watching these characters painfully get through dialogue that was unintentionally goofy at first but starting to frustrate me heavy. The death arena put me through it for more than an hour, but I eventually got it and saved before moving to the final area, only to remember about the sword you can get right after completing the arena. Restarted to get to that new save I made only to see that the save after the arena wasn’t even there, and I dropped the game and watched the ending on YouTube because my brain broke at that moment lol

Also who puts the map button on the left joystick in a very heavy combat game and then not giving options to rebind the controls so they wouldn’t be uncomfortable ?????

Reviewed on May 31, 2023
