this game turned out to be pretty lackluster by the end of it. at first it feels like a total wonderland of amazing music, battles and visuals, but by the end you see through all the cracks and it breaks in half. every environment is basically the same with a different coat of paint, normal mode is way too easy, and this story is a contender for the worst in the entire franchise.

Mainline megaten stories aren't exactly winning any Oscars, but they've usually been able to make up for it in broader aesthetics or just being entertaining at the very least. This has basically none of that, its not very aesthetically pleasing and its story, alignments and characters are paper thin. the only really saving grace is the gameplay, which is fun yeah, it just gets WAY too easy by the end. Idunn basically became my 2nd party member when I got her, and the only magatsuhi skill that matters is the critical art. the one they give you at the very beginning of the game.

the musics pretty good at least, they went pretty damn hard on the battle themes. I still had mostly fun my first playthrough, just feel bad this game fell off so hard.

Reviewed on Aug 26, 2022
