Haven't been gaming as much lately cause of my new job, so this is the first game I've actually beaten since... the end of July?

This game is somewhat divisive and I understand why, although there is definitely a lot to appreciate a decade after its initial launch. Playing this as a co-op experience with a friend is both very fun, and extremely funny. Watching the series go from camp cheese in RE4 to complete shclock ridiculousness that you'd see in the movies is so ridiculous that I can't help but laugh my ass off at every new stupid thing. Chris Redfield is like the ultimate American action hero in an era where that trope was well out of the door and it really just adds to its utter absurdity. And the game itself plays decently well! Especially now that its out of Games for Windows Live hell.

This game still kind of falls into a lot of trappings of the 7th generation of games that make it a bit of a slog at points. Playing this on my own sounds like a no-go for me. Even if the AI isn't as bad as people claim it to be, the returns you'd get on a solo run of the game seems increasingly diminishing. This is a game you run through with a mate and have a solid time with enjoying the stupid set pieces of Wesker going into a volcano or some shit.

That said; this game is prime for the modern RE:make model. Especially after how good 4 ended up being. That with co-op sounds stupid fun. I'll see you in like five years or so when it inevitably arrives.

Reviewed on Oct 14, 2023
