I've said this a lot in a good couple of reviews for games I've just beaten, but I do think we often take for granted how good we have it in the current state of games. It can be very easy to get into a doom spiral of an industry that is worthy of a lot of criticism thrown at it, and to be fair, I think a lot of it is justified, and I'm not saying to ignore that. But more often than not, we tend to overlook just how amazing the last five years have been for niche titles. Games that likely wouldn't have garnered much attention or sales, just a console generation ago, now have the opportunity to get a huge spotlight shown on it, and sometimes get the chance to be the big game of the week.

I'm not saying the premise of just being able to play as a real cat exploring a decently big world, wouldn't have caught on years ago, its just an inherently fun concept; what I am saying is that Stray is everything the current wave of modern niche titles have been leading up to, and its all the more commendable and better for it. I think Stray is a game that doesn't need a whole lot to say about the actual content of the game, the premise is enough, and you're likely already interested or have played it already from that alone. All I want to say, for this game, and all other huge successful games that have gained so much glowing attention and love in the past five years. Keep enjoying them, and keep giving attention to weird lil projects like this. It has made this hobby such a treat to continue putting time into.

Reviewed on Jul 22, 2022
