I'm not even gonna bother writing a longer review on this one - this game is so painfully mediocre that I don't have much to say about it other than 1 describing paragraph:

The episodic format that leaves everything on a fake cliffhanger and adds nothing to the plot tears a pretty repetitive and dull story (also reminiscent of Code Veronica) into shreds (Claire in particular is written super uncharacteristically most of the game), the gameplay is like a lower budget RE6, the guns feel limp and stiff even compared to Rev1 which is a 3DS game, companion AI is dreadful and having to swap characters to do anything is tedious as all hell, WHY IS THERE A SKILL TREE IN A RESIDENT EVIL GAME, a good chunk of the enemies suck to fight in the story (but not raid mode), and holy shit they did not know what to do with Alex.

However, to be at least a little positive: Barry and Moira were incredible character-wise. I really wish those 2 could get their own game, because I think that could be a very good story to tell about Barry. But Capcom probably thought that wouldn't sell too well, so they added in Claire for big name recognition and Natalia so Barry wasn't missing a co-op partner. That sucks.

This was probably a great refresher into a more survival-horror focus for people who had been burned by RE6, but in a post RE7-world, this game is pretty much unnecessary unless you have a co-op partner, are marathoning the series or, like Revelations 1, doing raid mode. Skip playing unless you're marathoning the series or want more Barry Burton.

Oh, and the keyboard controls are still dogshit.

Reviewed on Sep 26, 2022
