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1 day

Last played

June 28, 2023

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Shadow Of The Colossus is an example of a game that overstays its welcome; it's a lot of fun to scale giant creatures and the orchestral score gives a sense of grand scale to the fights. However, after 16 of these, only broken up by traversing the map in horseriding sections, it gets tedious. I don't think there should've been other sections in between; I like the singular focus on boss fights. However, there really should only be like 10 of them with more focus given to making them feel more distinct (especially when one of them is a previous colossus reused in a different arena).

There's a truly amazing game hidden in here somewhere, with a beautiful world and fantastical atmosphere complementing the grand scope of the colossi fights. Unfortunately, it's bogged down by too many frustrating sections (such as confusing boss weaknesses and a compass that doesn't account for dead ends) and a padded playtime that keep it from quite achieving this greatness.