This wasn't as initially impactful for me as Remake was, but I like it more in hindsight. The story continues to be confusing and intruiging and I'm looking forward to seeing how it concludes. The characters and the interactions between them are still great as well, with new additions like Cait Sith and Dio (not Yuffie) being very welcome.

The combat encounters tend to be the main draw for me here. I feel like they nailed a great fusion of an action and turned based system. It flows super well and attacks are fun to pull off. The new additions of synergy attacks and parrying are also nice. The setpieces that accompany the larger battles are consistently a treat for the eyes and the music is amazing as well.

The overworld was a nice contrast from Remake, though it was nothing spectacular. The side content is mostly the same story as well and can get pretty tedious, though there are some standout quests that are very fun. The pacing of the main story held up for me more or less; it got kinda slow around the chapter 12 area, but it picked back up.

Reviewed on Mar 20, 2024
