A fun replay with the Mrs for spooky month. While its surprising how fine this game has aged, a part of me was thinking the entire playthrough, "Why don't I just play the remake?". Yet as I played I kept trying to figure out why a remake was even made for a game that can still scare me like it did when I played in 6th grade.

Dismemberment and the thrill of fighting off Necromorphs is still a tense feeling that makes the game for me. This time playing, though, I found myself not really scared as my wife was, but more so hyper fixated on the inner workings of the Ichimura. Issac being the repairman isn't talked about enough. Slowly fixing the ship and traveling to that Tram station made me feel like an accomplished mechanic. Seeing the debris cleared and rotors restarting gave me more accomplishment than fighting claw demons. For me, the necromorphs started to become a burden to my fun little space repairman game.

I'll be hopping into the rest of the series after finishing up some other titles.

Reviewed on Oct 30, 2023
