The last goal I set for myself for the year
"Beat the Mass Effect Trilogy"

I'm conflicted on this introduction because usually this is where I would go, "Aw man I've been missing out this game was amazing", but that's the last of my impressions from beating this game.

While the story was pretty captivating, I could feel this not being the full story even when defeating the final boss. That kinda rubbed me wrong because I didn't feel complete. Of course, I will be going straight into the second game, but from the many forgettable feeling side quests, to the extremely lackluster gameplay; I never felt locked in to my play through.

Gunplay feels gross, and as an Adept, most of my powers looked cool and felt cool when they worked, but navigating the maze that is the menu system in the heat of combat was a headache. Most times, using abilities other than throw disrupted the flow of combat. I never really got comfortable. Yet it wasn't necessary because of how easy the game was even after bumping it up to Hard.

I often forgot that my party members were more than extra bodies in combat. By limiting my ability to speak to them other than on the ship, I found myself interacting with them only to get the same couple of one-liners instead of sitting there and talking about what just happened. This was on brand I guess with my renegade choices, but when serious shit is happening, like life or death of an entire species of that exact party member, i expect more dialog.

There's a bunch more I can hark on that I hope will be immediately changed in 2. Such as the horrible Mako sections, the Myriad of glitches and softlocking from shitty geometry and physics, or the empty planets to survey that's basically busy work. But I have high expectations for the series and hope that a lot of my negative reactions are averted in the second game.

Reviewed on Nov 07, 2023
