As someone who has struggled to enjoy Final Fantasy games in the past this game surprised me in being a mostly delightful experience. Gameplay wise the game is basically just Final Fantasy 10 however it actually has a cast of characters/story I actually enjoyed and also a lot more memorable music then Final Fantasy 10. Dungeon design is also fun and the voice acting is actually good too. Lost Odyssey is unfortunately pretty linear but it has enough good elements to make up for it.

A big sticking point to me though is disc 4. I feel like towards the end game it has a massive difficulty spike with absolutely brutal boss fights and I spent a lot of time in disc 4 just grinding. I still largely the enjoyed experience of the game overall but it does dampen the game as whole.

Overall it's still a largely a good game and I think well worth any JRPGs fan time if you so happen to own an Xbox.

TL;DR version is basically I think this game is Final Fantasy but good

Reviewed on Aug 27, 2023
